U = U

U = U

Undetectable = Untransmittable

Undetectable = Untransmittable

U=U is a revolutionary opportunity to transform the lives of millions of people living with and affected by HIV and to radically transform the scientific field. Namely because U=U:

  • Improves the lives of people living with HIV by dramatically reducing the shame and fear of sexual transmission and opening up possibilities for conceiving children without alternative means of insemination.
  • Dismantles HIV stigma on the community, clinical, and personal level.
  • Encourages people living with HIV to start and stay on treatment, which keeps them and their partners healthy.
  • Strengthens advocacy efforts for universal access to treatment, care, and diagnostics to save lives and bring us closer to ending the epidemic.

It’s a game changer for people living with HIV and for the field that people on effective treatment cannot transmit HIV, but it’s still widely unknown. U=U and our partners are changing the narrative.

NMAC is proud to celebrate the U=U movement and recognize its importance in the ending of the epidemic.

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